Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Thame 2015

The list of stand holders is complete and the table plan will soon be up on the website.  Regulars will already be able to work out where every thing is.

I seem to have been able to advertise the fair more widely this year. Probably because I had to cancel skiing to be here for Felicity after her hysterectomy. She is doing well and should be able to be around for the fair on the 21st February. There also seems to be more sites with an events page looking for events to advertise, which makes it easier.

Hazel Dowd has had to pull out this year, as she is awaiting a knee operation. However, this has allowed us to bring in some artisans who were on our waiting list. We think we have a good and varied range of stall holders this year, with an excellent mix of regulars and new faces.

Well I keep checking to see what I have not done or missed, so if you notice any thing that needs doing, please let me know. Some potential visitors told me there were no entry prices on the web site, so I was able to correct that. 

Adults £3.50, Children £1.50, under fives free.

Monday, 5 January 2015

A Happy 2015

 Well we are already five days into 2015. We can look forward to the Thame Fair in February and a General Election in May. Is it going to be a year of surprises, a booming economy with miniatures stuff flying off the stands, or is everyone going to be cautious and waiting to see what happens?

It is difficult to read, but some good cheer would not go amiss. Politicians do not seem to do good cheer, so it is up to the rest of us to keep smiling and make the best of whatever the outcome may be.

From our perspective we are concentrating on making sure the fair is as successful as we can make it. Nearly all the arrangements are in place, tickets are on their way, and we are about to do some more local advertising. Something always get missed or rearranged, but it will be right on the day.

Lets hope the fair weekend is a good one.


Mouse House Minatures