Monday, 18 June 2012

The Longest Day Will Soon Be Here

It does not seem like a month ago that we posted the last blog and it has probably rained every one of those days, at least it feels like it has. Hope you have found the website more user friendly, we have tried to improve some of the features to make it more accessible

There are some new standholders for 2013, but the quality still remains. We are determined to bring you only the best Artisans and hope that you will enjoy them too. Please check them out so you can start your wish list for Thame Dollshouse and Miniatures Fair 2013. Maybe a delayed Christmas present or a treat to cheer yourself up, or just a treat.

The grandchildren are beckoning, and Lisa not yet one, does not know she will have a dollshouse before she is much older (nor do her parents, and that will be a challenge in their apartment). At least the rain is warmer in Spain.